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I may have mentioned my love of The Office here once or twenty times. And despite what I’ve read here and there about people being less than enthused about the show lately, I still think it’s brilliant. The writing, so subtle and clever. The acting, so spot-on. Each episode gets better with each viewing when you notice different lines and facial expressions by characters in the background. Mostly I love how it has just stayed true to form while allowing the characters to grow and evolve. And I do realize that sounds like an oxymoron but as Michael Scott once said quoting Abraham Lincoln: “If you’re a racist, I will attack you with the North,” and these are the principles I carry with me in the workplace.

Which only loosely ties into the webisode I just watched, and the video below. Irregardless* it is hilarious.

[clearspring_widget title=”The Music Video” wid=”4727a250e66f9723″ pid=”4aeb35539d88c7cc” width=”384″ height=”283″ domain=””]

* I know.

As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Zoo recently turned mumble-mumble-rty. It has taken me almost a week to import the photos from my camera. Not that it’s any excuse but I’ve been up at 5am or so the past three (3) days. Why? NO IDEA BUT THANK YOU FOR ASKING. Perhaps there is a move to the midwest in my future that only Sleep Zoo knows about and she is trying to prepare us for Central Standard Time? Who knows. I do know that I am tired of it. PUN INTENDED. I have that tired, super-dry and painful exhausted eyeball thing going, and everything I try to do (which, admittedly, is very little – I mean, I am barely productive on a good day, notsomuch on days following insomnia attacks) involves me either (a) stumbling or (2) dropping something. Point being, this post will contain more pictures than words. I know you’ll understand because you’re a team player like that.

Anyhoodles. This is how we do the milestone birthday around here.


I only made three or so jokes about things like burning the house down or how it took me an hour to light all of the candles.


Check out that haul!


I did not make a crack about not giving himself an aneurysm blowing them out. I didn't!


This was the Big Money present - he got to choose between the gifts behind Doors number 1 and 2. Number 1 was an iPhone and Number 2 (heh) was a trip to the Coast. Hold on to your iPants, kids! We are not going to the Coast.

I do not expect you to be surprised that we put hats on the animals. The old neighbor dogs had the good fortune to be here for that.

I have fat cats. And slightly overweight dogs. And am a chunky monkey myself. Why? I compensate with food. Sad? Cheer myself up with sweets. Happy? Reward myself with sweets. Any inclination of PMS? Indulge in whatever I may be craving. I feel guilty for leaving the dogs? Give them treats. Worried that I ruined the cats’ lives by getting dogs? Extra food. So because today Mr. Zoo turns mumble-mumble-rty and since yesterday was the last day of the previous decade which will not be named, I marked the occasion in the way I do best on any occasion.


Those are chocolate cupcakes with frosting between the cupcake and the cupcake top, which has a little heart cut-out, and then sprinkled with powdered sugar. Mr. Zoo ate two of them before I pointed out the heart cut-out.


October 2009

I said what?